Character (PSHE)
Character (PSHE) at Da Vinci Academy
At Da Vinci Academy all students have an entitlement to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum which is aligned with the National Curriculum at Key Stage 3 and highly effective pathways at Key Stage 4. We are an inclusive school, which recognises the diverse needs of our students, enabling all of them to have access to a core curriculum. Our curriculum reflects the needs of our community, our local area and national priorities. All courses cater for students’ individual needs, abilities and interests, which results in motivated young people leaving Da Vinci Academy with the best possible outcomes. Our curriculum, combined with our extended curriculum, has a thoughtful and wide-ranging promotion of students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, following the national curriculum whilst adapting to the needs of our young people and their communities.
Overview of Programme
During the first three half terms, Da Vinci Academy focus on topics of PSHE that follow the same theme across the school but are adapted to each year group. The first three half terms of the Character programme are also linked with whole school events; World Mental Health Day, Anti-Bullying Week and Safer Internet Day where students will encounter external visitors, assemblies and tutor time sessions. Sessions build on prior knowledge from previous years and addresses issues around British Values, RSHE including same sex relationships, Anti-Bullying, Mental Health and Well-being and Online Safety.
Inspiration Days
At Da Vinci Academy, we have designed our termly Inspiration Days to provide a breadth of experience within various subject areas, drawing on outside speakers, involvement of parents and developing a sense of curiosity. Inspiration Days encourage students to step outside of their comfort zone and to open their eyes and minds to the wider world around them and the opportunities that lie ahead. Students will experience one Inspiration Day built around careers and one around SMSC/PSHE.
We are passionate that all young people realise that it is a big and wonderful world out there that they can play an active and positive part in it. To do this not only do we pursue excellence in academia but also ensure the students are equipped with the correct skills in which to do this. We acknowledge that we, as an aspirational academy, play an important part in providing the means for social mobility. We maintain close links with the local community, are forming an effective working relationship with local primary schools, police teams, and fire service teams. We also plan opportunities for the children to know about keeping safe, linked to the Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) document and for and promote British values, (Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs) ensuring that children are aware of their rights and responsibilities as a UK citizen.
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
At Da Vinci Academy, we embed a culture of kindness in all that we do. Our academy has student representatives from each year group that will attend meetings, support other students, organise school and community events, and overall act as role models in maintaining and fostering a culture of kindness at DVA.
Students who show interest in becoming Anti-Bullying Ambassadors will complete an application form outlining their suitability for the role and their passion to promote positive relationships and respect in their community. A student from each tutor group is selected to join the team, and they will attend training from The Diana Award, a registered charity who work with people all over the country to develop and inspire positive change in young people.
The Character Adventure
Our Character Adventure is made up of three separate components that are statutory requirements for schools to implement within their curriculum; PSHE, RSHE and CEAIG. These three areas all fall under what we call our “Character Adventure”. The primary aim of our Character Adventure is to ensure that we are educating and preparing students for a life after Da Vinci Academy where they can thrive as healthy, productive and happy members of society.
An adventure is an exciting experience that is bold or risky at times. We see the development of students’ characters as part of this. Our character adventure is highly aspirational and seeks to allow students to develop into well-rounded individuals and this will require them to be bold and can be risky at times but it a hugely exciting experience.
Our Character adventure consists of twelve key themes, which are delivered during a weekly session of Period 6 for each year group. These twelve themes are addressed throughout each year and are developed and expanded on to ensure that students have a strong foundation of these key themes.
The twelve key themes are:
- Resilience
- Organisation
- Initiative
- Kindness
- Communication
- Leadership
- Respect
- E-Safety
- Study Skills
- My Wellbeing
- My Body
- My Future
Our Character Adventure is developed through events such as; assemblies, Inspiration Days and is delivered in weekly Character lessons by tutors during Period 6.