Student Leadership at Da Vinci Academy

Da Vinci Academy places pupil voice at the heart of decisions made. By creating a Student Leadership Team to be proud of we are confident that we have a robust mechanism for capturing pupil voice ensuring that students feel listened to. Student Leadership will be developed, and refined over the course of academic year 2024-25, with significant inputs from staff and students. Miss K Bradshaw (Associate Assistant Headteacher) will lead on these developments, working closely with and reporting to all members of SLT.

We are incredibly proud of the Student Leadership Team we have in place and have no doubt it will go from strength to strength in the months and years ahead.

Following a lengthy and robust recruitment process the following students have been appointed to the Student Leadership Team for 2024-2025.

Student Leadership Team 2024-2025

Role Student Name Senior Leadership Team Link
Head Student Harry G  J Scattergood
Deputy Head Student (Culture) Latae R S Howard
Deputy Head Student (Care) Jack B E Culverwell
Pupil Voice Owain J & Lacey H P Gregory
Curriculum Nikodem W J McIlroy
EDI Thinuli W & Serena O N Wiles
Anti-Bullying Mazie S & Abdul L R Wall
Mental Health & Wellbeing Meah H K Mather
Joy & Charity Kieran B S McKenzie


Miss K Bradshaw will have oversight of the entire Student Leadership Team in her role as Associate Assistant Headteacher (Student Leadership and AL 10/11)

The following pupils have been appointed to the Extended Leadership Team for 2024-2025:

Role Student Name Staff Link
Deputy Student Leader (Y7) TBC – October 2024 H Wilmott
Deputy Student Leader (Y8) Alanna F S Whitby
Deputy Student Leader (Y9) Ben L & Shahan S L Burton
Deputy Student Leader (Y10) Lexy G S Russell
Deputy Student Leader (Y11) N/A N/A

The following students have been appointed to the role of year group representatives and will form part of the wider group of pupils who will be critical in ensuring pupil voice is at the heart of all decisions made:

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Anti Bullying
TBC – October 2024 Myla W Deon M Unays N Alexandra M Robyn A
Noah C Hamnah S Leo S Elinga A Elli S
Olivia S Dylan B Daniel O Rodiat O Emelia S
Freya S Iryna A Makarim H Megan H Beth C
Lazar N Shay D Camron K Emma C Ella S-M
Lily W
Maisie L
Vincent D


Key Dates and Meetings for 2024/2025

Key Dates & Meetings
Senior Leadership Team (SLT) Link Meeting – Half Termly
To be arranged by SLT link at least once per half term.


StLT (Core) – Weekly
Harry G (Head Student)
Latae R (Deputy Head Student – Culture)
Jack B (Deputy Head Student – Care)


StLT – Half Termly
W/C 7th October 2024
W/C 9th December 2024
W/C 27th January 2025
W/C 17th March 2025
W/C 12th May 2025
Year Group & Anti Bullying – Termly
W/C 30th September 2024
W/C 13th January 2025
W/C 5th May 2025
Student Leadership Team Launch Assembly 2025-2026
W/C 19th May