Contact Details and Consent

We are always keen to ensure our records are up to date.


All parents/carers have been asked to give consent for Media, Sporting Fixtures and Day Trips for 2023-24.

Individual consent will still be required for all residentials.

If you wish to change the level of consent you have previously given, or if you have not yet given consent, please contact reception (01332 831515) and a member of staff will email you a short form to fill out. Further details about the consent can be found below:

Emergency Consent

I agree to my child receiving medication as instructed and any emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment, including anaesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered necessary by the medical authorities present.

Consent for Sporting Fixtures, Day Visits and Trips

I agree to my child taking part in sporting fixtures (home and away), day visits and trips that do not I agree to my child taking part in sporting fixtures (home and away), day visits and trips that do not require an overnight stay. I acknowledge the need for my chid to behave responsibly and that any medical information that I have provided to the school will be used by Academy staff where necessary. I understand that it is my responsibility to keep this medical information up to date throughout the school year.

As a result of giving this consent, I understand that I will not receive separate consent forms for individual trips.

Media Consent

At Da Vinci, we sometimes take photographs/videos and make recordings of our students. These may be used inside and outside of school. We really value using these to showcase what students do in school and would therefore appreciate your consent to do this.

Potential uses may include in-school displays and posters, the academy newsletter, prospectus, website and Twitter. They may also be used by the Trust for events and promotions, the local press and by examination boards.

I consent for photographs, videos and recordings of my child to be used by the Academy. I also consent for their name to be used. I understand that the above is not an exhaustive list and only lists some examples of potential uses.

Biometrics (Fingerprint) Consent

To enable your child to purchase a school dinner we will need to take their finger print. We are required by law to obtain your permission to do this.

II give consent for my child’s fingerprint to be taken for use on the Biometric Catering System.

Contact Details

If you need to update your contact details, please contact reception (01332 831515) and member of staff will email you a short form to fill out.


Parent consent form for administering medicines