Academy Governing Body

A warm welcome from myself, Deb Haddon, as Chair of Governors of Da Vinci Academy.

This is now my third year as chair of governors and our priority as a governing body is to continue to be committed to being actively involved in the life of the academy to ensure pupils, parents, staff, and the wider community work in partnership to provide the best possible outcomes for everyone involved.

To ensure that the academy’s vision is realised and that our pupils’ best interests are factored into every decision we make, the academy governing body supports the Trust by acting as a “critical friend,” holding the academy to account for pupil outcomes as well as the quality of educational provision provided. We will also help to define the strategic direction of the academy.

Da Vinci Academy has faced a variety of challenges in recent months; however, I have no doubt that the senior leadership team and staff with the continued support of the Trust will strive to set us back onto the path of an upward trajectory which we previously celebrated having achieved ‘Good’ in our Ofsted report of 2021.

Chair of Governors: Deborah Haddon

Email: [email protected]

Da Vinci Academy is part of L.E.A.D. Academy Trust, a company limited by guarantee.

The L.E.A.D. Academy Trust and board of trustees are the proprietors of the trust and help set the overarching vision and strategy for all the L.E.A.D. Academy Trust academies.

Each academy within the trust is governed by the L.E.A.D. Academy Trust board and members.

To help discharge these duties successfully, the Trust Board has delegated some of these responsibilities for governance to executive leaders and local academy governing bodies (AGBs) (see scheme of delegation for more information).

Our governance structure ensures that there are clear lines of accountability, overview, and scrutiny at three levels for each of the academies: These are:

  • The L.E.A.D. Academy Trust Members
  • L.E.A.D. Academy Trust Board and its associated Committees
  • The Academy Governing Bodies (AGBs)

Trustees’ and governors’ main responsibilities are the three core governance functions of:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction.
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

More information about L.E.A.D. Academy Trust – Governance

The AGB meets formally three times each year (termly) and also meets informally each term through engagement meetings. These key documents set out the function and role of the AGB.

AGB Terms of Reference

Please find below details about this academy’s AGB membership, including the names and terms of appointment for each member.

Name Governor category Appointed by Date of appointment Term of office AGB Attendance: Academic Year 2023/24
Jayne Scattergood Headteacher Ex Officio 1-Jan-24 n/a 2/2
Abbie Quinn Staff Elected unopposed 1-Sep-21 Resigned 24-Nov-24 1/2
Deborah Haddon Community Governor (Chair) Appointed by Trust 1 September 2020
Reappointed 31 Aug 2021
30-Aug-24 1/2
Daina Cummings Parent Governor Elected unopposed 1-Sep-23 31-Aug-27 1/2
Amber Hubbard Parent Governor Elected unopposed 22-Nov-22 21-Nov-26 2/2
Richard McKerron Parent Governor Elected unopposed 15-Oct-24 14-Oct-28 n/a
Nick Clark Community Governor MAT Board 5/1/2017
Reappointed 30 April 2021
29-Apr-25 2/2
Tony Mcllroy Community Governor MAT Board 9-Jul-24 7-Aug-28 n/a
Jas Hundal Community Governor Appointed by Trust 24-Mar-22 4 years 0/2
Paula Scaife Parent Governor Elected by Parents 9-May-22 4 years
Resigned 19  June 2024
Andrew Jones Community Governor MAT Board 10/1/2018
6 Dec 2022
5 Dec 26
Resigned 30 Sept 24
Jenny Linthwaite Support Staff Governor Elected unopposed 11 November 2024 4 years n/a

Chair of Governors – Deborah Haddon

Safeguarding Link Governor – Deborah Haddon

Email: [email protected]

Governor Declarations of Interest

Ever thought of becoming a Governor?

Apply to join our team!

We are always on the look out for new members for our Academy Governing Body. Anyone over the age of 18 years can be a governor (subject to a DBS check) and all you need is a desire to make a difference and an interest in the future of our children, plus time, energy and commitment.  All of our Governors will be given membership to the National Governance Association to help develop them in their role.

If you would like to apply, please contact [email protected] who can put you in touch with our Chair of Governors.


For any further information please contact the school office.