Getting help for the child
If a referral to Social Care is not considered appropriate, consideration should be made to what support the child and family need. The school will consider what support could be offered within the school, it may be useful to undertake an EHA to clarify the student’s needs/strengths and the supports required and/or make a referral for other services.
Using the Early Help Assessment (EHA)
Where parents, carers or students tell us that they require support, or school staff identify that there may be emerging needs and that services might be required an EHA is likely to be beneficial. In such cases staff will have an open discussion with the parents/carers and child about the support and services that might help and agree how they would be accessed.
Prior to EHA Da Vinci Academy works closely with the locality MAT teams to offer support through the Early Help Offer. The EHO involves individuals from the MAT team delivering sessions in school in areas such as: Health Relationships, Internet Safety and Transition. The workers also support drop in session during lunch time to offer information and advice.
Emerging needs
Where the child or parent are likely to require co-ordinated support from a range of early help services, or where there are concerns for a student’s well-being or a student’s needs are not clear, not known or not being met, staff should discuss the use of the early help assessment with the child and/or their parents or carers. Where a multi-agency response is needed a team around the family (TAF) should be formed to bring together practitioners from the different services so that they, along with the family, can work together to meet the student’s needs.
If you feel that additional support is needed within your family and that you may benefit from an Early Help Assessment being completed please contact Keir Mather (DSL) or Karen Thompson (Deputy DSL)